Dashboard > Forecasting
Bridgit Bench makes it easy to make decisions
With the Supply & Demand feature, Bridgit Bench helps make the right staffing decisions quickly, to focus on delivering results.
Supply & Demand gives a comparison of the people you have on staff and the demand for the people on your projects.
Table of Contents
People Supply
The People data is the sum of all the people that are staffed at a company during the date being viewed. It is calculated by summing up all People and uses employee start/termination dates, and any time-off recorded in Bridgit Bench as part of the calculation.
- For example, a person leaving the company in one month will be excluded from the People total when they leave. Allocations are not factored into this total.
The month rollup takes into consideration how many days are within that month in conjunction with how many days a person is available.
- For example, if someone has time off, starts partway through the month, or leaves partway through the month, these numbers shift accordingly.
The forecast analyzes workforce capacity on a monthly basis (up to five years out) by taking into account the following factors:
- Project roles
- Role-specific start and end dates
- Custom allocations
- People titles
- Time offs (i.e. vacation, leave)
- Employment dates
Any People or Project Filters selected are applied to Supply & Demand. Only People Filters will apply to the Utilization Rate.
Project Demand
The Project Demand data looks at the workforce demand for all awarded projects by default. Select the Scenario planning icon to allow pursuit projects to be factored in.
The Project Demand will show the sum of roles in the given month factoring in the allocation percentage of that role and the number of days that role extends during a given month. This is true for all project types (Active, Upcoming, Complete, and Pursuit).
- For example, two roles with 50% allocation each for the entire month would show up as 1 for Project Demand.
Filter by role or any other project field to get more specific data.
The Delta is the difference between the People and the Project Demand numbers. A negative value means there is more project demand than there is workforce capacity. A positive value means there is more workforce capacity than project demand.
Scenario Planning
Scenario Planning allows users to track anticipated project demand based on the different opportunities being pursued. This feature makes workforce planning for awarded projects and opportunities easier and provides a better understanding of the impact of winning various pursuits on workforce capacity.
Filter pursuits accordingly to create a “what if” scenario that will help you determine where allocation issues could arise if a project is awarded.
By default, only Awarded projects will show up in the report. With the Scenario Planning button, select the Pursuit projects to include.
The default view shows all roles and titles in Precon (if enabled) & Operations and compares the overall workforce capacity and project demand.
Selecting the Role & Title Breakdown toggle will provide a more detailed view of your Total People compared to the Total Project Demand.
This data can be exported as a CSV by selecting the button and Strategic Workforce Plan in the export menu.
Supply & Demand and the Utilization Rate display data up to five years in advance. Users have the option of viewing data within other time frames.
People Filters
Both the Supply & Demand and the Utilization Rate can be further broken down by using People Filters. This filter consists of system and custom People fields entered in the People Settings.
Project Filters
Supply & Demand can be further broken down by using Project Filters. This filter consists of system and custom Project fields entered in the Project Settings.
Project Filters will not apply to the Utilization Rate to prevent people from appearing underutilized.