Phases are an optional feature in Bridgit Bench that outlines different stages of a construction project. Phases are sequential but can overlap. Bridgit Bench allows sub-phases under a parent phase.
Phases can be added to projects by users with Administrator or Manage All permissions. Administrators are able to add phases to the account or remove them.
General Rules for Phase Dates
Parent Phases
- No Phases or Sub-phase can have a start date earlier than the Project start date.
- No Phases or Sub-phase can have an end date later than the Project end date.
Editing Parent Phases
- Phases on a project can be edited.
- Phases must have a start date and an end date.
- When editing phase dates for a phase with child sub-phases on a project, there are a few scenarios to support.
Editing Sub-Phases
- The start date and end date for sub-phases on a project can be edited.
- Sub-phases must have a start date and an end date.
- The sub-phase start date cannot be before/earlier than its parent phase start date.
- The sub-phase end date cannot be after/later than its parent phase end date.