An issue indicates that a person exceeds 100% allocation on a given day. Bridgit Bench only presents active and upcoming issues.
Scenarios where an Issue indicator will appear
Example #1
The issue indicator will stop displaying once the issue is in the past, even if that specific allocation on the project is still active.
Joe is allocated as a Project Manager on:
Project A at 100% from Jan 1 - July 31, 2020.
Project B at 100% from June 1 - Dec 31, 2020.
An issue indicator will display for Joe on both projects until August 1, 2020, at which point no issues will display on either project (even though Joe's role on Project B is still active).
Example #2
If a person is allocated to a role in non-consecutive segments, they might have an issue indicator displayed next to multiple allocations.
Jane is allocated as a Project Manager on:
- Project C at 100% from Jan 1 - Jan 31, 2020 (allocation 1) and then from Mar 1 - Mar 30, 2020 (allocation 2).
- Project D at 50% from Jan 1 - Dec 31, 2020.
Issue indicators will display for Jane on:
- Project C (allocation 1) until Feb 1, 2020.
- Project C (allocation 2) until April 1, 2020.
- Project D until April 1, 2020.
Example #3
If a person is allocated to multiple roles on a project, they will have an issue indicator displayed if the total allocation percentages exceed 100%.
Bob is allocated on:
- Project E as PM from Jan 1 - July 31, 2020, at 50%.
- Project E as a PE from Jan 1 - Dec 31, 2020, at 50%.
- Project F as a PM from Jan 1 - Dec 31, 2020, at 50%.
A project indicator will display for Bob on:
- Project E (PM role) until Aug 1, 2020
- Project E (PE role) until Aug 1, 2020
- Project F (PM role) until Aug 1, 2020
Resolving allocation issues
Alissa is allocated at 100% on the La Francfort project from July 31 - Dec 31, 2020. She is also allocated at 100% on Glasgow Suites which is active from Sept 10, 2020, to Sept 30, 2022. However, Alissa will remain in La Francfort until the project ends.
People List
The issue can be resolved by modifying the start or end dates of an allocation through the People List.
- Ensure the Issues column is selected in the Show Columns menu.
- Select the icon under the column.
- Under the Issues tab of the person's profile, note the projects with upcoming issues and the Total Allocations.
- Switch to the Projects tab within the person's profile and adjust the Allocation start date, Allocation end date or Allocation % by selecting the icon to correct the issue.
If an allocation issue can be resolved by removing someone from a project, select the icon under the Projects tab in the People profile.
People Gantt
The issue can be resolved by modifying the start or end dates of an allocation through the People Gantt.
- Select the orange section of the person's Gantt bar that displays the over-allocation. The dates in the window display the range of the over-allocation.
- Select the project to open it's Operations tab.
- Select the icon to adjust the Allocation start date, Allocation end date or Allocation % to correct the issue.
Custom Allocations
The issue can also be resolved by creating custom allocations.
From the example, Alissa's allocation issues can be resolved by creating the following custom allocations:
- La Francfort project from July 31 - Sept 9, 2020, at 100%
- La Francfort project from Sept 10 - Dec. 31, 2020, at 50%
- Glasgow Suites project from Sept 10 - Dec. 31, 2020, at 50%
- Glasgow Suites project from Jan 1, 2021 - Sept 30, 2022, at 100%