Along with the People List, the People Gantt delivers a complete view of all the people to effectively manage the team and resources across all projects at any stage.
See Filters in the People List for more information on filtering the People List.
Table of Contents
Filtering Tools
Any filters or sorting order applied on the People List view carry over to the Gantt view and vice-versa.
Sort By
Sort directly on the People Gantt by Name, Title, Availability Until, and Profile Type (Hourly and Salaried people) by selecting the Sort By dropdown.
Filters can be applied from the People Gantt by selecting the icon, then Apply.
On the People column, filter by Title by selecting the icon.
When filters have been applied, select the X to remove them one at a time or click Clear Filters to clear all selections.
Search for any field associated with a person, including their Title, using the Search bar. See Using the Search Bar for more info.
Saved Filters
A specific group of commonly used filters can be saved.
- After applying filters, select the icon to save the filter.
- In the "Create saved filter” modal, add a unique name, then Save.
- After the filter is saved, access it by selecting Add Filter then Saved Filters.
Delete a saved filter by selecting the icon inside the Saved Filters menu.
Admins can share saved filters with all users in the account. Refer to our blog post for more details.
People Gantt Settings
Further customize the People Gantt view by managing the Gantt settings.