Note: Only users with Administrator permission can modify Account Settings.
Settings > Account
Table of Contents
On the Users tab, are the following sections:
- Invited Users - users that haven't yet accepted invitations.
- Active Users - users that have accepted an invitation and can access the project.
Add, edit, or deactivate users in Bridgit Bench from this tab.
Service Accounts
Service Accounts can be created when Bridgit Bench credentials are needed for integration or to use Bridgit's API.
Permission Groups
Bridgit Bench offers varying levels of permissions that can be set for users. Choose the user roles and permission groups that are right to seamlessly manage all aspects of the resource plan. Create custom permission groups to help adjust user roles as needed.
Account Management
On the Account Management tab:
- Basic Settings: View the number of projects and people / View and/or modify the company logo.
- Distance from a project - Decide what unit (kilometers or miles) should be used to calculate the
- Currency - Adjust the unit of currency used throughout the account (only 1 type is supported at a time)
- Date Format - Change how the date is displayed
- Customer naming: Change the default names for profile types (Salaried and Hourly).
Alphanumeric characters and hyphens only, no spaces or special characters. Unuseable terms: Ops, Operations, Precon, or Preconstruction