Phases can be added when creating new projects and they can also be modified afterward. This article provides steps for adding or deleting phases to existing projects as well as steps for modifying phase dates. Roles can also be added to a project using phase dates.
Add or Delete Phases on Existing Projects
After selecting a project in the Projects > List view, add, edit or delete phases under the Dates tab by hovering along the row and selecting the icon to edit or the
icon to remove a phase.
Phases can also be viewed under Projects > Gantt by hovering over the project bar.
Expand phases in the Project Gantt view, by toggling ON the View Phases in the Gantt Settings Panel.
Edit Phase Dates
After selecting a project bar, edit phase dates in the Dates tab by selecting the icon, then Save.
A modal will open outlining all of the potential impacts:
Then decide how to handle changes to the project, phase, and role dates.
Phase Date Edited
- The impacted phase and tentative change will be presented at the top of the edit modal.
Project Date Changes
- Use the checkbox to determine how the project duration will be impacted.
Impacted Phases
- The other phases on the project can be shifted to align with the updated phase or left as is.
Impacted Roles
- Confirm which roles are impacted by the change.
- Roles can be left with the current dates or extended/shifted accordingly to align with the updates.
Deleting Phases
Deleting phases in a project or in the Settings will not affect the project's start and end dates or the remaining phases of the project. People assigned to the deleted phase will remain on the project within the deleted phase dates.
When deleting a phase from Settings, a window will appear that will state how many projects will be affected by the change.