People > List/Gantt
People in Bridgit Bench are the staff at your company that will be allocated to projects. See Add a User to learn more about adding new users to the Bridgit Bench tool.
Users with access to manage people can add new people at any time.
Add a New Person
In the top right, select the Add Person button. If enabled, choose a new salaried or hourly profile, which will open the "New Person" modal.
Default profile name types can be changed by Admin users in Settings > Account Management.
Once all of the required fields have been updated, select Add Person.
- All required fields are denoted with Required *
- A profile photo can also be added
- If a job title is missing in the Title dropdown, it can be added through the People Settings by an Administrator
See Editing People to learn more about updating a person's profile.
Deactivated People
When attempting to create a profile for someone with a deactivated profile, the following message will appear when entering the email address: "This email has already been added to this account."
See Reactivate People to restore a deactivated person.