The following articles provide further information:
Settings > People > Experience Tracking
The Bulk Import Feature allows Admins to upload Historical and Previous Employer Experience to several profiles in bulk.
Table of Contents
Only users with Administrator permissions can import historical and previous employer experience
Bulk Importing Historical Experience
- Download the template for Historical Experience from Settings > People > Experience Tracking > Bulk Import Experience
- Open the downloaded template.
- Fill in the template with the experience team members have gained from historical projects not planned in Bench under the following fields:
Columns (* fields are mandatory) | Data to Enter |
* Person UID | Email address for the team member or their unique identifier, which can be found on the Details tab of their Bench profile |
* Project Name | |
Project Description | |
Project Start Date |
Project End Date |
* Role | |
* Duration (months) |
Assignment Start Date | |
Assignment End Date | |
Hours Logged | Enter a whole number |
Experience Field Names (Data fields will be created based on the experience fields activated in the account) |
If the experience field is a single select list field, a value from the list must be entered. If the experience field is a text field, any text value can be entered. |
- Upload the completed template as a CSV.
- The status of the import can be viewed in the History tab. Refresh to see updated statuses.
Resolving Errors
Experience will not be imported if there are errors in the uploaded template.
A summary of the errors can be viewed in the History tab.
When the errors are corrected the template can be uploaded again.
Adding Additional Project Data
Default header column names should not be changed. New data field columns can be added to the template to upload additional historical project data.
The additional fields will display when viewing historical experience on profiles in the Details tab
Overwriting Uploaded Data
When importing historical project experience for a project that has already been imported, any changes made to the project description, project start/end date, and additional project data will be reflected on the historical project on all profiles that share the project name.
Bulk Importing Previous Employer Experience
- Download the template for Previous Employer Experience from Settings > People > Experience Tracking > Bulk Import Experience
- Open the downloaded template.
- Fill in the template with the experience team members have gained from historical projects not planned in Bench. The table below outlines the expected data for each column in the template:
Columns (* fields are mandatory) | Data to Enter |
* Person UID | Email address for the team member or their unique identifier, which can be found on the Details tab of their Bench profile |
Employer Name | |
* Project Name | |
Project Description | |
* Role | |
* Duration (months) |
Assignment Start Date | |
Assignment End Date | |
Hours Logged | Enter a whole number |
Experience Field Names (Data fields will be created based on the experience fields activated in the account) |
If the experience field is a single select list field, a value from the list must be entered. If the experience field is a text field, any text value can be entered. |
- Upload the completed template.
- The status of the can be viewed in the History tab.
Resolving Errors
Experience will not be imported if there are errors in the uploaded template. A summary of the errors can be viewed in the History tab.
When the errors are corrected the template can be uploaded again.