The Projects section delivers a complete view of all open projects and allows to effectively manage teams and resources across all projects at any stage.
From here, track your resources to optimize utilization, and assign the best people based on accurate availability and shifting demands.
Table of Contents
- Projects > List
- Projects > Gantt
Projects > List
Filtering Tools
Utilize the following tools to further filter what is displayed:
Tip: Columns in the List view can be re-ordered by dragging and dropping the column headers to the desired locations.
Learn more about filtering project data with Filtering the Projects List and Gantt.
Adding Roles to a Project
Roles can be added to a project by navigating to Projects > List > [select the desired project] > Operations.
- Select the Add Role button when building the project from scratch.
- The Copy from another project option from the dropdown menu will allow roles to be copied over from an existing project.
All existing projects that have roles added will be available in the Copy Roles drop-down list.
- Saving a selection will copy all the roles from the selected project to the new project in edit mode
- All role names and standard allocations will be copied over
- Any role with a custom allocation % will update to a default of 100%
- All roles will inherit the project start and end dates
- All role notes will be cleared
Another option is to Use Template. Role Templates are created by Administrators that will allow a group of specific roles to be added to a project.
When adding a role and it needs to be duplicated, select the button. This will duplicate the role including:
- Role Name
- Role Note
- Quick Option selection
- Start Date
- End Date
- Allocation %
Unfilled Role Notifications
Select the notification icon to receive an email notification whenever a new unfilled role is added to a project by another user.
New role notifications can be enabled for all projects by navigating to the User Profile Settings.
Role Cost
View the total cost for a role by selecting the expand icon on the right. The View Financial Fields permission must be active for the user's account and View confidential fields toggled ON along the main navigation bar.
Split Roles
Roles that have one or more assigned people, an unfilled segment or a 0% allocation within the role dates will be shown as a blue bar when filled and a striped bar if unfilled.
Having more than four assignees or unfilled sections will be shown as an expandable avatar that can be selected to view the details. Hovering over the + icon will display the number of unfilled periods for that role.
Add Categories to a Project
Categories can be utilized for various purposes such as scope of work (ex: concrete, structure, MEP), locations/areas, buildings, floors, etc.
Roles on a project can be grouped into categories using the Add Category feature to further organize your workforce. Up to 100 categories can be added per project.
To enable this feature for the account, please reach out to
To add roles to a category, select the role (Salaried or Hourly checkboxes) then select Edit Category and Save once a category selection is made. New categories can be made during this step by entering a new category name in the window. This will save all selected roles under the new category.
Role Status Filters
Roles can be displayed on projects to see upcoming, current, or past roles with the Role Status Filter.
Place a Person in a Role
Once roles have been added to a project, the Place a Person tool will help ensure the best people are selected for the role. This can be managed from the Projects List.
View, add and edit the details entered when the project was added. Budget will be used in the calculations for the Reports tab.
The Groups field can also be found under the Details tab. For more info on this feature see Groups.
The Project Description field allows up to 2400 character entries for more detailed summaries.
View, add, or edit start/end dates and phases or shift the project entirely. View more details about Edit Project & Phase Dates here.
View the resource costs related to the project including people, hours, and budget. View more details here in the Spend Report.
Projects > Gantt
Gantt Settings
The Gantt Settings is a collapsible panel that can be found on the far right of the Project Gantt. The Gantt Settings can be used to filter required roles and customize the Project Gantt view. Learn more about Managing Gantt Settings here!
Navigating Projects
A project panel will appear by selecting the project bar. This panel will allow users to view and edit project dates as well as view the project details.
Project names with more than 20 characters can be expanded by selecting the icon to display names up to 50 characters.
Customize the Projects column using the icon to expand or collapse the roles for a project. The
icon will expand or collapse all project roles. Roles must be toggled ON in Gantt Settings first.
Adding Roles to a Project
Adding new roles to a project can be done at any time. Click here for steps to do so.
Place a Person in a Role
The Place a Person tool is available to select a person for a role and project, which can be managed from the Projects Gantt.
Custom Allocations
Allocations can be customized when there is limited availability on a project.
Learn more about creating custom allocations here!