Projects > List > Reports
Table of Contents
Viewing the Report
The Hourly Profile module must be enabled to access this feature for Hourly data. Reach out to Bridgit Support ( to change this setting.
The Spend Report provides a summary of the labor needed to complete the staffing plan for a project and track labor costs.
The report is created based on the following filters:
- Role Type - Salaried, Precon, Hourly or any combination of the three
- Project - Select which project data to view
- Intervals - Select data time frame between Weekly or Monthly
- Units - Separated into Hours, Cost ($), and number of people within the time interval
- Status Breakdown - Separates each role row in the table to "Filled" or "Unfilled"
- Filter on Role Name - Filter down to one or more roles to view from the project
The "Planned Cost" column displays a total figure based on the "Units" setting selected for the project duration.
Viewing Costs
Cost data within the report can only be viewed by selecting the View Confidential Fields button , having View Financial Fields selected for a user's permission group, and selecting Cost in the "Units" tab.
The report displays rounded figures. To view cost data down to the cent, hover the mouse over any figures in the Planned Hourly ($) row or Total & Remainder Columns.
Cost details are generated based on the Cost Rate (hr) within a person's profile. If that field is empty, the default Role Cost Rate from Settings > Projects > Roles > Cost Rate (Hourly Roles) or Cost Rate (Salaried Roles) will be used in the Workforce report.
Individual role costs can be viewed in the Operations tab by expanding the dropdown menu.
Budget vs. Planned Cost
This section provides a comparative view of the budgeted cost for the project vs. the planned cost for project roles in the Operations section.
Precon roles are not included in this calculation.
Budget cost can be set in the project's Details tab or by selecting the icon to input a value.
Planned cost is the total sum of all project roles (including filled & unfilled) factoring in each allocation percentage. The cost rate for each role is based on the person's individual cost rate set in their profile or the default rate in Settings > Projects > Roles > Default Role Values.
Roles without a default cost rate or a people profile cost rate will not be included in this calculation. Select the
icon to navigate to Settings to complete these fields.
Downloading the Report
Export the report as a .CSV file by selecting the icon.